overview for Korr123
The Order of the Knights Templar was based out of France, not Germany, and also started or participated in large scale wars and raids that, even by medieval standards, were pretty fucking monstrous and atrocious. You think a German white “nationalist” would rep a Knightly Order that was historically based out of modern Germany like the Teutonic Order. but I suppose that would require knowledge and canada goose outlet netherlands some book canada goose outlet michigan learnin the morons who idolize historically evil organizations probably don know that this particular organization also developed the first international banking system known to man (notoriously corrupt as well), something these dickwads often blame on “the jews” and paint in negative light.
It is quite hard to help a stranger over text like this, nor do I pretend that anything I do say will actually help. Answers or solutions to your problem absolutely must come from within.
people and finding new friends is part of life, as is letting go of old acquaintances and people you may have considered friends. Sometimes its painful, sometimes it happens and you don even notice, and canada goose uk discount code maybe sometimes you are happy to rid someone from your life. The same is true for meeting new people. You are very young and about to do something new with your life in attending college, which every person reading this subreddit knows invokes a lot of emotions from all parts of the emotional spectrum.
want to keep this post about you, because it is, but I also want to share my own experiences with you. I am 32 and just finished my junior year at WWU. This puts me in a minority as the average age of an undergrad student at WWU is somewhere close to 21. I too initially had trouble meeting friends and others in which I can relate. It took me a while to realize that canada goose jobs uk the problem wasn necessarily with “who I was” but with cheap canada goose something deeper. It turns out I wasn happy with canada goose black friday deals uk life because I was pursuing a canada goose outlet in toronto goal that I wasn interested in on a personal level, but was doing it because of the practicality. Once I stopped doing that, I met some amazing teachers and students that I genuinely enjoy spending time with, and doing group projects and homework with them didn actually cheap canada goose uk feel like work in hindsight. My attitude over the last few years has changed drastically canada goose outlet orlando from a pseudo canada goose outlet uk fake depressed useless feeling person to a generally happy person who feels useful.
don know what your interests are, or what your life goals are, or really anything about you, but I can tell you that one way you will feel better about life is by pursuing something you genuinely give a shit about. Once you do that, you notice that the people around you will have no problem being around you, and perhaps would want to be around you more.
I don know if any of this is helpful at all, but I sincerely hope it was.
Well my frothiness comes from a place where I still have faith in humanity, and a desire to see them remain free, canada goose uk size chart what few of us at least who haven’t given away outlet freedom for the illusion of security.
The irony shines brightly here.
Security theater is a very real issue facing all corners of the world. People are giving up rights knowingly or unknowingly in canada goose shop review typically small ways that in truth don make them any safer.
The irony mentioned above is the fact that guns are just another form of security theatre. Statistically speaking you and your family are less safe cheap canada goose parka from harm if you keep a gun in your house.
That being said, guns are fun to shoot, and I personally have no issue with hunting or sporting. But don go off equating guns with canada goose chilliwack bomber black friday freedom.
Considering almost every single “mass shooting” is done by gang violence that is almost exclusively done in the African American community. are you suggesting our government do something about making black people illegal? What are you actually saying? cheap canada goose Because it not based off of facts.
Holy shit you are wrong on all accounts. The vast, vast majority of mass shootings are NOT gang violence. The rest of your dribble is just unfactual bullshit cheap canada goose sale parroted exclusively by people on white supremacist boards and literally nowhere else. Which says alot about how big of a shitbag you are due to where you spend at least some portion of your time.
Yes. “Conventional” nuclear explosions are the result of uncontrolled chain reactions that happen when you add a neutron to Uranium 235 and it becomes uranium 236 for a brief moment before splitting into canada goose gloves uk Krypton and Barium, which releases on average 2.5 more neutrons per uranium235 atom “split” to then go on and cause more u236 splits. Each atom split releases an ungodly amount of energy (nuclear forces in atoms are surprisingly strong) that build up until you get that big mushroom cloud.
Scary right? But we can https://www.nationaalzweminstituuteindhoven.nl very easily control that chain reaction using control rods made from metals that prevent that chain reaction from going out of control. Hence the term control rods. Only thing to fear from nuclear plants is terrorism or idiots building them in bad places like fukushima, both of which are preventable.
Sounds like you are seeing what you want to see. I sincerely doubt that the hundreds of staff and dozens of largely independent institutions at your university are simultaneously pushing left wing politics onto you. Honestly you just sound like you are trying to be a victim of some sort.
There is a difference between some students that are annoyingly vocal about their opinions out in the public spaces versus staff pushing beliefs across students in class or otherwise.