(but I consider myself to be very hardcore) There are very few

1 point submitted 2 days agoThe explanation of pausing mid movement isn as exciting, unfortunately: It simply when I checking for players or collecting my bearings (can see anything clearly when the camera is quickly moving).This clip was during the first fortnight of release so my sensitivity was lower; but that useful for this topic because it easier to see where and why i stop the camera where I do (0:02 0:05): I check middle stairs near the resupply container; door behind the plane; under the truck outside; the radio tower area with the barrels; then a consistent 180 turn out to the other side.Used to get accused of using MnK regularly when I played recon in BF1 competitive I know the drill:BFV Spin flick repeat in practice rangeBFV Settings, spin, and example of stopping the camera to see in practice rangeBugsh0t 11 points submitted 5 days agoI think lot of the fuzz about the Deluxe Edition contents originates from the fact that it very hard to figure out what you actually got from the Premium Edition, because a) there no indication ingame, and b) the descriptions given in the blog don really explain what you got either. For example “Customize your soldier with British Special Air Service or German Airborne sets.” I can find the German Fallschirmjger, but what are the others? May be better descriptions, screenshots of the items, and better ingame visibility would help.timecrimehero 1 point submitted 5 days agoI know exactly what I got from the Deluxe Edition and I know exactly how ripped off I feel too. I don think I need to elaborate because everyone on this sub knows how ridiculous it is.

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